

Trimtab is a coaching and consulting agency that helps people apply APEST in their leadership, teams, and organizations. We want to see you, and the people around you, grow and mature into the fullness of Christ.

The Trimtab

A trimtab (in yellow) is a mini-rudder attached to the tail end of a larger rudder. When the captain turns the wheel, the wheel turns the trimtab, the trimtab turns the larger rudder, and then the larger rudder starts turning the ship.

At Trimtab, we know that organizations are a lot like ships. It doesn’t matter if they are big or small – once they start moving it’s hard to change course. But like a trimtab, small changes, in the right places, done consistently over time, can change the course of any ship.

If organizations are like ships, then APEST is like that larger rudder that steers the ship in a new direction,. Each APEST gifting carries a unique set of paradigms and practices. The bold, yet compelling, claim that Paul makes in Ephesians four is that when each of those unique paradigms and practices start equipping the body, a transformation takes place – we start growing and maturing into the fullness of Christ.

If an organization is a ship, and the paradigms and practices of APEST are the rudder steering the ship, then it’s the leaders and their core teams who function as the trimtab. They make the first shift of applying APEST paradigms and practices in their own life and leadership, forming the initial micro-culture that can change the course of the entire organization.

At Trimtab, we not only help you start that initial APEST micro-culture, we also help you scale it across, and beyond, the organization. We help you become the change you want to see.

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