Diane Hakes

Team Member

Diane Hakes

Diane and her family reside in central Pennsylvania where she has been an educator, church leader, entrepreneur, trainer, and coach. Diane started Clear Calling Coaching and Consulting in 2018 and became a Trainer in APEST in 2019.

Having a deep desire for people to know and name their calling, and use the gifts they have been given, she has given her life to seeing people live out their full potential for Kingdom impact.

Coaching teams and individuals – from non-profit ministries, church leaders, corporate executives, and individuals seeking direction – Diane’s practice has reached people around the globe from all walks of life.

Having trained with Tim Catchim in the past, Diane is skilled in helping leaders apply the five-fold gifts to develop healthy leaders, strong teams, and thriving organizations, living out the gifts in all areas of their lives.

Contact Diane: dianehakes@trimtab.guide

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