
Everyone applying APEST in their context will face unique challenges that require innovative strategies. Let’s walk that journey together.

The 10 Month, 1 on 1, Customized Coaching experience is designed for people who have a basic understanding of APEST, are developing as practitioners, but want customized 1 on 1 support for applying APEST in their context.

The Coaching Journey

This 1 on 1 Coaching experience has three Modules. The first Module focuses on developing a Clearer Assessment of your personal APEST Profile, Leadership Journey, APEST Maturity, and APEST Vision and Project.

  • Your APEST Vision is the big picture, long term view of what you want to see happen in your context.
  • Your APEST Project is an immediate, short term initiative that you can start implementing during the coaching experience.

The second and third Modules focus on developing Closer Alignment with, and Wider Application of, APEST paradigms and practices in your context, along with a Greater Appreciation of your personal progress in the implementation of your APEST Vision and Project.

Coaching Calls

There are a total of 22 bi-weekly Zoom calls, each 6o minutes long. The five Coaching Sessions in Module 1 include content focused on personal and leadership development, so they follow the 20/20/20 format used in our Courses, Cohorts, and Communities.

However, the seventeen Coaching Sessions in Modules 2 and 3 are focused exclusively on walking with you through the unique challenges of applying APEST in your context. You set the goals for each call, while we listen, ask questions, and offer “just in time” feedback, input, and resources. We give you full access to all the tools and tactics at our disposal. Towards the end of the call we capture key learning moments, and end with 2-3 action steps that you can start implementing before the next call.


Each coaching session is designed to support and resource you while you implement your APEST Vision and Project in your context. We use six developmental outcomes as a way to measure and guide personal and contextual growth throughout the coaching experience. For more information on outcomes, click here.

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Closer Alignment

Continue the process of aligning your leadership, team, and organization with APEST paradigms and practices.

Customized Support

Don’t go it alone. Get the relationship and resources you need to face the unique challenges in your context.

Breakthrough Results

With support and accountability, your APEST Vision can become a reality.

10 Months22 Calls$3,300
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